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Suf, Tasawwuf aur Mausiqi: Episode-1 (Fariduddin Ayaz)

We travelled by an auto rickshaw in the streets of Old Delhi, people from air conditioned SUVs rolled down their window to wish him with the humblest of salaams, he responded to them with his folded hands. Some strangers from the pavement recognized him at Connaught place and requested him to pray for them. He… continue reading

Mulla Nasruddin Modern Tales- 6

The Immigration staff at Shah Jalal Airport noticed the distinguished looking old man had everything in order. His visa, his stay booking in Dhaka, his invitation letter from the large business conglomerate mentioning his topic of consultation ‘leading an uncomplicated life at workplace.’ This got him intrigued to ask a question involving the topic. Nasruddin… continue reading

The life and times of Shah Akbar Danapuri

सूबा-ए-बिहार अपनी अज़मत के लिहाज़ से दीगर जगहों पर फ़ौक़ियत रखता है। इस्लाम की आमद के पहले यहाँ बौध और जैन मज़हब की ता’लीमात आम थीं। 576 हिज्री के बा’द मुस्लमानों की आमद सूबा-ए-बिहार के खित्ते में कसरत से हुई । फ़ातिह-ए-मुनीर हज़रत इमाम मुहम्मद अल-मारूफ़ ब-ताज-ए-फ़क़ीह मक्की की तीन औलाद मुहम्मद इसराईल,मुहम्मद इसमाईल और अबदुल अज़ीज़ ने यहाँ इस्लाम की तरवीज-ओ-इशाअत… continue reading

Mulla Nasruddin Modern Tales- 5

Nasruddin opened his email on phone, the invitation read “Interfaith Dialogue Conclave.” The email also carried a Qatar Airways return e-ticket and a hotel booking voucher as attachments. Nasruddin sighed and smiled in amusement, his keynote speech was on Religious tolerance and the rejection of religious intolerance. Nasruddin boarded his flight from the stunning new… continue reading

Bihar ki bahar- Sayyad Ahamd Charm-posh

बिहार की बहार:सय्यद अहमद चर्म-पोश बिहार शरीफ़ की अज़्मत-ओ-वक़ार हिन्दोस्तान की तारीख़ का एक ज़र्रीं बाब है  ख़्वाह हिंदू हो या मुस्लिम,बौद्ध धर्म वाले हों या जैन मज़हब वाले सभों को इस की अज़्मत का ए’तिराफ़ है. सिलसिला-ए-चिश्तिया के साथ ही साथ सिलसिला-ए-सुहरवर्दिया की तरवीज-ओ-इशाअ’त भी ख़ानवादा-ए-ताज फ़क़ीह के बा’द सूबा-ए-बिहार में ख़ूब से ख़ूब हुई… continue reading

Mulla Nasiruddin Modern Tales- 4

Nasruddin was taking a stroll in the streets of Konya. A few hundred meters from the Mevlana Muzesi, he spotted a neat row of dead telephone booths. He picked up a receiver gingerly to his ear, a strain of nay (an end-blown flute that figures prominently in Middle Eastern music) filled his ear. Curious, a passer-by picked… continue reading